Tag Archives: alien art

That Awkward Moment Grant Wood had a Close Encounter Of The Third Kind.

My very first painting like..ever was a black and white piece titled: “Self Portrait”

“Self Portrait” by: Michael Fuller

I went out of my way to name it this way because I just happen to be a joker, goof, goofball,  comedian, and artist all at the same time. I honestly was hoping that were would be a day where I would be at a gallery where it was being displayed and someone would say: (stroking their chin in interest and curiosity) “is that how you really see yourself?” and of course I would confirm that yes, that was the case. (even though it really was not).

Since I already was obsessed with UFO’s, Aliens, Science Fiction, Black and White B-Movies I made the decision to move to my next painting and create a Alien version of an iconic piece of American Art. “American Gothic” by Grant Wood instantly came to mind. Little did I know back then The familiar image that most people interpret as a Farmer and his wife, holds the distinction of being the ‘most parodied’ painting in History. With painstaking time on detail “A Martian Gothic” was born.

“A Martian Gothic” by: Michael Fuller

The iconic house is on fire, (if you knew me really well you would know this would have been a given) there are flying saucers in the background, the male alien is holding a three pronged trident looking object, and (my favorite part) the female alien has a very slight smirk on her face. It has been shown in 4 art shows, has always caused a buzz of interest and comments, and will always be my favorite piece of art that I have created.

Because its my favorite the first two times I showed it I absolutely had NO intentions of selling it. It was NOT for sale and that was the end of that discussion. Until I finally got around to taking some halfway decent pictures of it that I can now sell Prints of. 8 x 10 Prints are only $20.00 each. Please use the form below, include your name, email address, and put “A Martian Gothic” in the comment section and I will email you details on how you can own a copy.